Some examples of recent wheel-thrown pieces. I am currently experiencing a strong attraction to re-connecting with the directness of throwing on the wheel, and the satisfaction of making a utilitarian object. The intimacy of the cup which is made by hand and then ultimately held by another human hand, and indeed will touch the lips of another human, invites a sense of interconnectedness which I find most meaningful.
In the past year I have purchased coffee mugs by the British potters Chris Keenan - - and Matthew Blakely - - which I use and enjoy daily. I also use the irregular and freely formed mugs of the German potter Johannes Peters -
In particular the latter's signature style has inspired me to experiment with spontaneity of forming and of surface decoration. Formal elements of Russian constructivism and Suprematism which I have applied in earlier work are now taking on a far more 'abstract expressionist' this page for future creations!
Just a few weeks ago I did a blog entry called Imove, based on an article titled All in Hand that featured in Vogue Living Australia. The latest Elle Decoration also features new trends and styles; a return to handmade tableware - in direct response to the boring old white-ware. Janet de Boos and a number of other potters' work featured. I love drinking coffee out of Hylton Nel's handmade mugs when visiting his home. I also bought your mugs and love drinking out of them on weekends - changing a mundane drinking ritual into a value adding experiences.
Thanks for this. Indeed, the most offensive thing anyone can do to me is to offer me a beverage in a dreadful mug, or even - horrors! - a styrofoam cup. The use of a special cup enriches one's experience and enhances contemplation.
I love your new vessels! Would love to drink my morning coffee out of one one day!
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