Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My work featured in THE NOTEBOOK MAGAZINE which mentions Ceramic Art London happening this weekend at The Royal College of Art in South Kensington

My work featured in the latest Visi Magazine (issue 53) under Treasure Hunt - check the behind the scenes decor shoot on their website...


Noela Mills said...

Hi Clementina,
Congratulations on your London show and the publications. I love your work - simple, whimsical, strong and bold designs and colours, and VERY individual. I will be in London at the end of April, can I see your work anywhere at this time?

beatrice De said...

J'adore la céramique. Vécu à Minorca après avoir vécu à Londres avec un céramiste Suisse. Son four à céramique est son église, plus haute que lui. Une arche construite en briques et ciment réfractaire.
C'est ce Monsieur qui m'a donné l'amour de la céramique.